List of All the Things
So, you really want to know all the tech, tools and other things I've ever used, touched or have an otherwise informed opinion on? Very well, but first you need to suffer through this dislaimer:
- I'm not listing anything I just heard or glanced at, or we'll be here all day. Everything listed here I can tell you something about for a few minutes (or probably much, much longer).
- I'm not sorting this by anything. Yet. Maybe I'll do a tier list for fun someday. For now you'll get the order in which names pop into my head
- I'll try to add a version number or year. If I remember. I probably won't.
- I'm not gonna do much research on this list, this is all off the top of my dome.
- I am generally a strong believer that given time, any good software engineer can learn any language, framework or tool. I also think there are better or worse choices for any given problem and knowing many different techs and approaches will help making better choices. The initial cost of "oh, new shiny toy" is real though and rarely worth it. Stick to what the team knows for boring problems.
Are you still here? Okay, let's go.
NetFusion, SelfHTML, Corel Draw, Corel Paint, Java (uh, J2SE? I have a Cisco Certificate in this, I swear. Until Java SE 7. I will also NOT list any Java libs here or I'll end up traumatized for the rest of the day). C#/.NET (3.0 to 5.0?, the first one, not the "dotnet" relaunch), mono (the .NET runtime, not the audio concept. Comes up more often than you think if you're trying to google AUDIO APIs), Eclipse, Visual Studio, VSCode, atom, sublime, notepad++, WebStorm, vim, cvs, svn, git, darcs, bazaar, mercurial, jira, redmine, mantis, trac, trello, taiga, linux, archlinux, gentoo, ubuntu, debian, suse, few others probably, hey remember Knoppix? bash, zsh, ls, cp, mv, rm, ln, grep, top, kill, killall … ok, this was funnier in my head. Sed and awk though, for real. Regex! LaTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX, OpenLDAP, GeOS, Windows95-11, UML, Visual Paradigm, Umlet, SOAP, XML, WSDL, (S)FTP, HTTP, TCP, UDP (yes, I have written raw netcode), IP (yes I have been taught IP classes, which were outdated even then), SMTP, IMAP, POP3, WebDAV, SSL, TLS, DNS, DHCP, NTP, NFS, samba, BitTorrent (just for linux distros of course), IRC, XMPP, SSH, telnet, assembler (PIC, ATMEL, and a few others I'm not gonna look up, not x86 though), FPGA/VHDL, Siemens Logo, LogiSim (or something). I'm gonna stop with chips and other hardware here, you don't want to pay me for any of this. VisualBasic, WinForms, WPF, Silverlight, ASP.NET, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Access, MongoDB, redis, sqlite, rabbitMQ, zeroMQ, Apache, Tomcat, nginx, caddy, USB (no, not sticking in USB things, actually talking to devices with software), COM, php, phpmyadmin, drupal (early 2000s), joomla, wordpress, oh, did we do HTML yet? HTML (4 and 5), CSS and JS (before the WHATWG renaissance. I was there when IE6 reigned and we puzzled together gradient backgrounds with gifs. Web design is my passion). Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, InDesign, Inkscape, GIMP, blender (did you know it can do video editing?), Unreal Editor, Unity, threejs, Maya, Affinity Designer, CryEngine, Havok, Box2D, bullet/ammojs, emscripten, wasm, asm.js, phaser, PixiJS, hey wanna see some old game prototypes? ! OpenCV, Leptonica, Tesseract, ZXing, nodejs (since 0.6?), npm, pnpm, yarn, lerna, backbone, bootstrap, tailwind, semantic css, material design, chaplin, underscore, lodash, CoffeeScript (good times), bower, grunt, gulp, webpack, rollup, vite (as soon as it was out), vue (since 0.…10?), JavScript, TypeScript, Rust, WebSockets, WebTransport, ooop, that's not stable yet, lets go back a bit. Nuxt, svelte, supabase, django, django REST framework, REST (how everyone uses it, not how the inventor intended it), python, flask, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, ember, ruby (on rails), haskell (on a horse. no I'm not making that up), lua, erlang, elixir, cowboy, ecto, serde, react (0.14 - 15. lol.), angular (only-pre… thing), jQuery of course, polymer, WebComponents, Modernizr, momentjs, luxon. (If I start listing every js lib or npm package I ever used, this list will be longer than a package-lock, so lets only focus on the big ones.) express, koa,, cypress, puppeteer, playwright, selenium, mocha, chai, jest, vitest, pytest, perl, jasmine, karma, browerstack, LambdaTest, docker, ansible, dynamodb, S3, a boatload of other AWS stuff like Lambda (but seriously, their naming is so confusing), C, C++, Qt3/4, gtk2/3, GCC, clang, make, cmake, automake, antlr, yacc, pegjs, CUDA, OpenGL, OpenCL, GLSL, SVG (yes, by hand. Listen, I've written bezier renderers, I like vectors), RGB, CMYK, HSL, HLS (not a color space, but a video streaming protocol), OKLCH… (I'm not gonna list all color spaces, but hey, I like colors! And google's new HCT color utilities are pretty neat.), D3, snap.svg, processing, Raphaël, Hexo, Contentful, DocPad, CryptPad, EtherPad, Sphynx, vuepress, vitepress, wintersmith, metalsmith, gatsby, hugo, netlify (and their CMS), yeoman, brunch, cake, vuex, pinia, redux, quill/delta.js, OT (yes, I've written my own*), CRDTs, yjs, babel, eslint, jshint, prettier, immutable.js, RxJS, Miro, yed, lucidchart, figma, parabol, slack, slab, mattermost, rocketchat, mastodon, ActivityPub Spec (more that anyone ever wants to read, which is zero), JSON-LD, JSON, protobuf, messagepack, csv, bson, yaml, jade/pug, handlebars, mustache, haml, markdown, rst, jinja, rss, atom, BDB, stylus, sass, less, beautiful soup, jsdom, cheerio, LAMP, MEAN (MEVN? is that a thing?), GraphQL, JWT, SHA, MD5, Auth0, Oauth2, OpenID, ELK, elasticsearch, logstash, kibana, graylog, logrocket, sentry, django-channels, daphne, (u)WSGI, gunicorn, libev/libuv, uvicorn, KanBan, different shades of Scrum, Waterfall, TDD, BDD, (… aah, lets not get into the whole process/management jungle. I will write a blog post about that someday) Favorite book though: A Philosophy of Software Design! Least favorite book: Clean Code. (as for all the other books? Stay tuned for a reading list or something. maybe.), grafana, icinga, letsencrypt, ffmpeg, Ada, chrome extensions (writing them), PWA, Web/Shared/Service Workers, WebRTC, WebGL, IndexedDB, quad- and octrees (should I go into data structures and algorithms? Let's not and just assume I know all about the bubbly-balanced red-black Dijkstra's and read enough Knuth and payed at least SOME attention at uni), v8 (yes, the C++ side), Pentaho, PDF417, QRCode, KBV ITA BFB/LDT/GDT (I admit, I had to look those up), Architectures: Monoliths, Microservices, Midiservices, Enterprise Service Bus, PubSub, Entity Component System, Event-Driven Architecture, Actor Models (to be serious here, don't just follow patterns. They're an abstraction to communicate with, not to rubberstamp into code), exim, postfix, dovecot, gpg, confluence, jitsi, bigbluebutton (actually embedding them, not just using them), janus, mux, emoji (yes, I've written my own emoji picker), Swagger, OpenAPI, phpMyForum, vBulletin (hey, anyone remember domains?), IEEE754, GPT and other LLMs, RAG/vector search, BIND, hypermedia, HATEOAS
I'm taking a break now, but this is far from all. Stay tuned for updates.